The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was never intended to be a brief game due to its open-world RPG nature. As one of the longest games of our generation, this grim fantasy game raises the bar for invested gaming.
This isn’t the kind of game you can just turn on and finish in a day. Because it has a long main campaign and is packed with sidequests. You’ll need to set aside some time to finish this lengthy game. But how much time should you allot for that?
With measurements and projections, we’ve put together this guide to assist you in how long is the witcher 3. And how to best plan your travels through the Northern Kingdoms.
Table of Contents
How Long Is The Witcher 3?
In Witcher 3, there is A LOT to accomplish in how long is the Witcher 3. It may take some time to do it all. There are various ways for players to finish The Witcher 3. Major tales are one thing, but finishing the game and finding everything is quite another.
Although all styles takes an average of 101 hours to complete across all platforms. The game can be broken into different sections to better fit different playstyles or interests.
Let’s check how long is The Witcher 3 by looking at how long the main quest is, how long it takes to finish everything, and how lengthy the DLCs are.
How Long Is The Witcher 3 Main Quest?
It is estimated that it will take about 50 hours to finish The Witcher 3’s main campaign. And that amount will increase to just over 55 hours if you play the game of the year edition. How long is the witcher 3 , can vary greatly based on your playing style. The length of the main quest varies greatly depending on how quickly you go through the narrative and the difficulty setting you select. As we started, that main tale can be finished in 50–60 hours on average. But, although some players were able to finish it in about 25 hours, others needed over 100.
How Long Is The Witcher 3 If You Complete Everything?
The Witcher 3 contains a tonne of side quests, treasure hunts, and other activities in addition to the main quest that may keep gamers entertained for several hours.
In addition to lengthening the game overall, these activities offer beneficial character growth, world-building, and loot. It will take about 200 hours to finish the entire game, including all side quests and treasure hunts. This implies that if you’re a completionist, The Witcher 3 will take a lot of your time to play.
How Long Is The Witcher 3 DLC?

How Long is the Witcher 3 Heart Of Stone?
Hearts of Stone, the first expansion, has a comparably brief campaign. The major content may be completed in under 10 hours on average. While leisurely witchers can spend more than 15 hours discovering the additional short story, time-conscious players can cut that down to only 6 hours. How long is the witcher 3 playtime increased by the inclusion of some of Hearts of Stone’s own site content?
The game will last between 25 and 30 hours if players are in the mood to do every side mission. How long is the Witcher 3 depends on whether players want to examine the entire map or just a specific portion of it.
It will take 40 hours of gameplay for gamers to unlock every trophy. The gameplay is fairly lengthy, especially because this is merely an expansion.
How long is the Witcher 3 also depends on the game’s many levels of difficulty. By selecting the lowest difficulty setting, the foes will be simple to defeat; however, a higher difficulty setting will make every battle challenging.
Gameplay Of Heart Of Stone

Hearts of Stone will send Geralt on a brand-new, over ten-hour journey across Oxenfurt’s nooks and crannies as well as No Man’s Land, where he must strive to fulfill a contract with the enigmatic Man of Glass.
Geralt will need all of his strength and ingenuity to unravel the mystery and get out unscathed because he is caught in a dense web of lies.
The expansion introduces new characters, formidable monsters, intriguing romance, and Gwent cards. It will debut a brand-new gameplay element called Runewords that “has an important impact on gameplay.
Each Runeword will affect a distinct area of the game’s mechanics, giving players the chance to try out alternative techniques and tactics “. Geralt characters with a level of 30 or higher can complete the tasks.
How Long Is The Witcher 3 Blood & Wine?
The second and more extensive expansion, Blood and Wine, serves as the epilogue of the game. And, on average, adds another 15 hours of the main story to The Witcher 3. By again tripling that timeframe, if you choose sidequests, how long is the witcher 3 answer differs from above, the time will significantly increase with the amount of side material.
Blood & Wine Gameplay

In Blood and Wine, you take on the role of Geralt of Rivia, a human who has been magically and genetically altered to help him fight the world’s monsters. When in Velen, Geralt runs with two Duchy of Toussaint knights who had been sent on a mission by Her Illustrious Grace Anna Henrietta to find Geralt.
The capital city of Toussaint, Beauclair, has been terrorized by a beast that has claimed the lives of three previous knights. When Geralt goes out to kill the beast, he encounters an old buddy as well as a massive plot that jeopardizes Toussaint’s foundation.
Blood and Wine has a good plot. Quality-wise, it’s on par with Hearts of Stone, albeit it takes a much longer time. How long is the Witcher 3 blood and wine?
It’s about 15 hours if you concentrate only on the main questline
The first few chapters of “Lady of the Lake,” in particular, serve as the foundation for this tale.
Particularly, a number of individuals from that section of the book make appearances here as important characters, and many of Toussaint’s distinctive characteristics have their roots there as well.
An excellent addition for game lovers, while newbies can just enjoy these characters for the competent way in which they are depicted. All characters fall into the gray area created by the Witcher’s signature combination of good and bad. Here their fates are determined by their own beliefs and their in-game decisions.
Blood and Wine is a significantly larger expansion compared to Hearts of Stone. In addition to a wider game area and a lengthier tale, there are also more side tasks ranging from the lengthy, multi-parted kind to ones you simply run into. While at the same time, traveling the world and can finish in a short period of time.
How Long Is The Witcher 3 if Everything Is Put Together?
The Witcher 3’s core story and DLCs can take upwards of 80 hours to finish when everything is taken into account. It is now among the longest open-world games available. It’s vital to keep in mind that this is just an estimation, and your actual playtime may differ. It’s also important to keep in mind that The Witcher 3 is intended to be played over an extended period of time. It is important to take your time and truly explore the game’s huge and immersive setting.
It’s important to keep in mind that The Witcher 3 is a game that promotes exploring and taking your time, in addition to the anticipated times. While speeding through the main plot will bring you to the end credits more quickly, you’ll miss out on the rich nuances and secret treasures that make the game so unique.
A more immersive experience, however, can result from taking your time to explore the enormous globe and finish side missions. Personal preference is everything, but We advise taking your time to savor the game and appreciate what it has to offer.
Is This Game Worth 100% Completion?
We’re talking about The Witcher 3, a game that is not for the faint of heart, so grab your sword and get ready to fight. You’ll undoubtedly be curious about the completion time. Especially f you’re one of those brave individuals prepared to take on the difficulty of the main tale and its expansions.
If you’re merely speeding through the story content and striving for 100% completion, then you must know how long is the Wither 3. You should plan on spending at least 75 hours. Who are we kidding, though? The typical player can expect to play The Witcher 3 for a stunning 147+ hours. Because side content is just as crucial as the main quest.
Incredibly, there will be 291+ hours of gaming for those of us who like to slow down and enjoy the experience fully. Yet for the most devoted players out there, the game is readily playable for close to 700 hours.
The Witcher 3’s status as a gaming legend is understandable. It’s a game that may keep you occupied for months because there is so much information to discover. So if you’re going to play this game, you better be prepared to stick with it for a while.
Tips & Tricks That Will Save Your Time

If you are bad at patience and want to complete the game in less time then follow the below-mentioned tips. These tips will not much contribute to lessening the playtime but they will save you from wasting your time:
1. Quick Save Your Game
Gamers will scout out their open-world RPGs. The Witcher 3 is full of undiscovered loot, off-the-beaten-path side missions, and even some undiscovered accomplishments and trophies. But, the risk of exploring is falling victim to a sudden case of the dead or, even worse, mistakenly destroying an item with a miss-click.
How long is the witcher 3 – time is reduced if you always save your game. Manual saves can greatly reduce the risk of losing progress even though the game’s auto-save option will activate at quest checkpoints and milestones in your progress. So don’t be reluctant to use the menu and save your work. It only needs a few seconds.
2. Mediate With Alcohol
In comparison to other crafting methods, potion crafting is one of The Witcher 3’s primary gameplay elements and is rather user-friendly. An item that Geralt has created will remain in his inventory for the duration of the game, even if it eventually runs out of use. But that is easily fixed by simply buying some alcohol, then going into a state of deep meditation. Geralt will use alcohol to replenish his potions.
This fits very well with the simpler game difficulty. In The Witcher 3, meditating heals the player and clears poison buildup on Easy and Normal Levels. As we know how long is the Witcher 3, this tip also helps in killing time. This is helpful for quests and missions that have deadlines.
3. Prepare Yourself For Every Fight
Witchers are experts, and experts prepare for battle and enter it with the odds in their favor. A key gameplay aspect in this game is potion creation, as this guide has already mentioned. Geralt can utilize a broad variety of weapons against his enemies, including swords, bombs, potions, oils, and other concoctions. These are all a component of The Witcher 3’s Alchemy system.
A bestiary full of information on foes’ strengths and weaknesses is also included in the game. Put “collect essential components” at the top of your to-do list after reading it and understanding it. No matter how long is the Witcher 3, if you prepare yourself before the fight and know what to do, less time is wasted in the game.
Final Words
Here is our complete guide to how long is the witcher 3. We have mentioned the playtime in detail with tips and tricks that can reduce your playtime during your witcher 3-player journey. We hope you find this helpful.